Category Archives: Social history communications

The suffragette movie

The story of the suffragettes has reached the international movie market almost 100 years on from the movement’s most dramatic period, writes Abha Thakor. “We’re in every home, we’re half the human race, you can’t stop us all!” – this battle-cry heralds the newly released feature film ‘Suffragette’, bringing today’s audience a renewed or perhaps initial understanding of women’s fight for… Read More »

100 years of growing women’s roles in society

By Abha Thakor The Women’s Institute is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year and local groups up and down the UK are marking the milestone. The WI was formed during the First World War and grew as it encouraged countrywomen to grow and preserve food for the nation. The first British WI met on Anglesey, North Wales, on… Read More »